Gender study or gender identity

Gender study or gender identity Introduction; an individual’s self conception as being male or female, as distinguished from actual biological sex Gender; A term oriented by society for male and female Sex; Biological differences Gender study focus on the position of women in a society and the role they play. Word gender is socially constructed (not biological produced) desperate and historically contested meaning that both women and men assign masculinity and to femininity. Gender study and feminism are not synonymous Gender study or gender analysis explore meaning attached femininity and masculinity and about how these contested meaning shape relations between women and men, men and various institutions and women and various institutions. Feminist use the word of power that equal power should allocate to women as men but there is nothing inherent in gender analysis or study that explicitly put power at the centre of analysis. Definition; ‘’Role assign to male and female according to their culture, social, political and economical in a given society.’’ Gender study is nothing more than the distribution and allocation of power and authority among the members of a society on the base of differences in their sex that is men and women, as power relations exists between family, friend and lovers for example in family who make decisions, and how they are made, are political questions, as are questions about who spends how much and on what, who allocates tasks around house, and the division of labour allocations, like house works its includes traditional sexual division of labour in which men work outside the home for wage. Women will work at home---house work is the largest sector of unwaged labour in economy. Women as individual or in group have been among the powerless and in some exception are less power full than men. Issue of gender is as old as the human being is. The first female (Eve) was born through a male (Adam) who is the origin of human being and debates over the social role of men and women go back to classical and biblical times as Plato (427 to 347) stated in his famous book Republic that women should be treated as equal as men and that women are naturally inferior. Role in society; In social structure, society allocates different roles to women and men, according to their physical strength and mental levels. The individual of society divided into two genders known as masculine and feminine. Masculinity is often associated with characteristics, such as aggressiveness, competitiveness, dominance, strength, courage and control. These characteristics results from a combination of biological, cultural and social influence and relate to our understanding of power in society as a whole by focusing on masculinity the concept of gender become visible to and relevant for men. So society allocates roles and function to them according their abilities as to work outside from home and earn wage/ money to fulfil the needs of his family members. We can see men in our society in the role of father, brother and son. In either shape he is responsible to protect his mother, wife and sister and to fulfil their basic needs. On the other hand femininity is often characterised by soft-hearted, uncompetitive, subordinate to men and weak. Therefore, society assigned them role and functions according to their abilities. As they stay at home, doing house works and caring of children and sick member of the family in the shape of mother, wife and sister. In language; In every language of the word, masculinity control dominant part, for example when Thomas Jefferson drafted Declaration of Independence and wrote ‘’All men are created equal’’ did he mean all human beings or just male human being. As like when we read the writings of major thinkers of the past, we often do not know the word man means; we can read it to mean all human beings; but we do not know the intention of the writer, when a girl took admission first year in an university, senior students called her freshman not fresh woman. What about her own gender and identity. In Religion; `Orthodox Judaism makes a rigid division between men and women, with men and women separated during worship. The first Christian Churches were organised, women were placed in subordinate roles. Christian Churches today are still divided over the role of women. The Episcopalian Church in USA decided after a long intense debate, to admite to the priesthood. Roman Catholic Church excludes women from the priesthood. In Islam men and women worship separated, just as in orthodox Judaism and there are no women Imam (religious leader) but a feminist movement exist in Islam. Role in Economical Fields; As stated above that women stay at home usually and their functions are house works caring of children and sick members of the family. Their role in economy is very little. They consider incapable for paid work and at one time women could not be secretaries or telephone operators these jobs were reserved for men, and the wages were high for men both because women were not thought capable of doing them and because women were not expected to have paid employment. Both these jobs are busy than farming that women on farms have always worked along with other members of family. For example if man was hunting the woman was gathering wild food. But the credit of earning money always goes to men, which shows the dominancy of men and subordination of women. Role in Politics; ‘’ the personal is political’’ Politics is about power, as in sociological context polics is the distribution of power in authority. We discuss the role of women in social and economical context above that all powers of decision making and allocation of labour at house work and control the production, consumption and all are in hands of men, he may be father brother or other elder.
