What is Research?

What is Research? Research can be defined as ‘the application of the scientific method in the study of problems’ (Koul 10). The word ‘research’ is composed of two words i.e. ‘re’ and ‘search’ which means to search again. It is a careful investigation or re-examination of facts, which may also include the search for new facts or the modification of older ones in any branch of knowledge. It not only expands but also verifies existing knowledge. It attempts to discover the relationship among facts so as to deduce principles or laws from them. Research is a systematic attempt to obtain answers to meaningful questions about phenomenon or events by applying scientific procedures. It is supposed to be a purely objective, impartial, empirical and logical analysis. It is a recording of controlled observations that may lead to the development of generalizations, principles or theories, resulting in prediction and control of events that may be consequences or causes of some specific phenomenon (Koul 10). It seeks to integrate and systematize facts about a particular subject. The knowledge gained by research is of highest order. Characteristics of Research: • Research is directed towards the solution of problem. It may attempt to answer a question or to determine the relation between two or more variables. • Research is based upon observable experience or empirical evidence. It rejects revelation and dogma as methods of establishing knowledge and accepts only what can be verified by observation. • Research demands accurate investigation and description. The researcher uses quantitative, numerical measuring devices, and other precise means of description. The researcher selects or devices valid data gathering instruments or procedures. • Research involves gathering new data from primarily or first-hand sources or using existing data for a new purpose. • Research strives to be objective and logical, applying every possible test to validate the procedures employed, the data collected, and the conclusions reached. • Research involves the quest for answers to unsolved problems. Pushing back the frontiers of ignorance is its goal, and originality is frequently the quality of a good research project • Research is characterized by patient and unhurried activity. It is rarely spectacular and the researcher must accept disappointment and discouragement as he pursues the answers to difficult questions. What Research is not? • Research is not simple gathering of information; it is more than information retrieval. • If a researcher reads a number of encyclopedias, books, or periodical references, and synthesizes the information in a written report, this is not research, for the data is not new. “Merely reorganizing or restating what is already known and has already been written, valuable as it may be as learning experiences, is not research. It adds nothing to what is known” (Best and Kahn 19). • If previous important studies are researched, using some procedures, then it’s merely repetition, not research. • Research is not something based on assumptions, beliefs, theories, or untested generalizations. It demands empirical evidence and originality. • Research outlaws personal bias. If it attempts to persuade or to prove an emotionally held conviction, it is not research. A research is supposed to test rather than prove a hypothesis. • Research is not a quick activity. It consumes a lot of time, effort and patience. • Research is not based on the shallow study of the respective subject. A deep and thorough study of the concerned subject is required. In-depth analysis helps to record and report the collected data carefully (Verma and Verma 2)
