Writing Of The Report:

Writing Of The Report: A report can be defined as a testimonial or account of some happening. It is purely based on observation and analysis. A report gives an explanation of any circumstance. In today’s corporate world, reports play a crucial role. They are a strong base for planning and control in an organization, i.e. reports give information which can be utilized by the management team in an organization for making plans and for solving complex issues in the organization. A report discusses a particular problem in detail. It brings significant and reliable information to the limelight of top management in an organization. Hence, on the basis of such information, the management can make strong decisions. Reports are required for judging the performances of various departments in an organization. Guidelines for Writing a Research Report: 1) Prepare a detailed outline: Before starting writing of the research report, prepare a detailed outline following the general structural framework of the report. Each chapter should be divided into sections and subsections. The major points to be made in each sub section should be written out. The outline should indicate the actual organization of the material that would go into each section of the report. 2) Adopt a simple style: You are trying to communicate your ideas to others and not trying to impress others with your vocabulary. Using an uncommon word when a simple, commonly used word is available, simply hinders proper communication. Moreover you run the risk of making mistakes of grammar and syntax. Always use small, simple sentences consisting of commonly used words. 3) Use dictionary frequently: Get into the habit of doubting your spellings and checking it up in the dictionary. The dictionary should also be used to ensure that the word being used is appropriate for the occasion and actually conveys the meaning. 4) Build strong paragraphs: The opening paragraph of a chapter or section is of special significance. By reading the first paragraph, the reader forms his opinion about the chapter/ section. The guiding principles is to go straight to the point in the opening paragraph. A summary sentence placed at the end of the paragraph strengthens understanding of the entire paragraph. Attention should also be paid to transition from one paragraph to the other. 5) Write clear and strong sentences: Each sentence should express one distinct idea or fact. Overloading the sentence with many ideas lead to confusion. While constructing simple straightforward sentences their length and structure should be varied. Use as few words as are essential for conveying the message. Choice of appropriate words is the hall mark of a good writer. 6) Follow accepted practices: The research report is to be read mostly by professionals. It I advisable that the practices adopted by the academic community are followed. Some of these are stated below: a) The researcher should not refer to himself in first person; instead he should refer himself in third person. He can refer to himself as the investigator, the present write etc. b) While referring to other authorities their titles like ‘Dr’, ‘Sir’ etc are omitted. Similarly adjectives like ‘the eminent educationists’ the word ‘renowned scientist’ are not used with names of these authorities. c) Never begin a sentence with a number written in Arabic numerals. Instead spell out the number (e.g. three thousand primary teachers constituted the sample). d) Numbers containing fewer than three digits are ordinarily spelled out as words no matter where they occur. Large numbers are written as numerals. An exception is made when there is a group or series of numbers. In such case all numbers are written as numerals. Revision of the Draft: No investigators writes his research report in one go. After you have written one or two sections of your report, put it aside and work on some other parts. After a lapse of a few days, read your draft critically. Put yourself in the position of the reader and try to identify parts which are not quite clear or parts which do not follow logically in their positions. Try to see if the sentences contain unnecessary words or if the sentence could be rewarded to enhance its clarity. You would be surprise that you could really make improvements in your draft on reading it after a lapse of few days. After you have revised your draft three or four times. Ask one of your colleague to read your draft critically and suggest improvements.
