How can we search for a valid problem for research, often we are puzzled about the selection of a topic. Also, explain the role of variables. Provide examples to support your views.
Doing research is not an easy task, therefore research methodology is considered very important. No matter how much you are intelligent, genius, and witty, but if you do not know about research skills, you are null and void.
Whenever we search on the internet or go everywhere, we barely find an issue that has not been worked on. For example, there is a novel published in 2018, even in this novel people did research on every aspect, like Feminism, Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), Structuralism, Post Structuralism, Deconstructionism, Psychoanalytical Theory, etc. Then what is left for us? How will we find a valid problem? How will we oft a problem?
In the above paragraph, I discussed
problem blindness; when we are not able to find a valid problem. Now, how to
oft for a valid problem? Suppose take the example of Thomas Hardy’s Tess of D’Urbervilles
novel. Hardy was a fatalist, he believes, there
is impersonal, indifferent force present in the universe and man effort and
struggles are of no use; what we believe and suffers is because of fate. So, there
are many aspects of this novel. The novel
follows the story of a young maid, Tess, her life is a tragedy, and she faces a
lot of torture and difficulties. Now, our first concern will be on Nuances, because any newest that you
catch the slightest difference is there in color,
taste, character, and nature. Suppose in
the novel, both Fatalism and Determinism
most of the people think that these are same, but they are not the same.
Fatalism is the doctrine that all events are subject to fate or determined in
advance, but on the other hand, according to Hardy, nothing can change in our
destiny and fate. So, here we can arise problems
like Tess seduction was determined. Or
What is the role of fate in Tess
miserable life? Now I will collect the data, and with the help of valid arguments, I will interpret the data. Another example of Nuances, can be within the
text, like Tess’ Avenge or Revenge,
both of the terms are not same. To avenge is to obtain satisfaction by
punishing a wrong-doer, and revenge is inflicting of an injury as a means of
personal satisfaction, or anger. So, I can oft for nuances as a problem.
Suppose, I want to interpret the novel through the lens of Feminism theory. Feminism is a broader perspective, called theoretical framework. It is also called conceptual framework. It is the broader understanding of the phenomenon. There are many feminisms in Feminism, like rape, sexuality, atrocity, and workplace etc. These are called variables. Variables play in the vital rule in the selection of a problem. The variables may be (i) Independent and (ii) Dependent. They have ‘if’ and ‘then’ or a cause and effect relationship. For example, ‘unemployment results in crimes in as society’. In the example crime is the dependent variable, and unemployment is the independent variable. So, I have kept these under consideration. Suppose, while interpreting the novel, I opt for Tess seduction, a controversial issue, and the majority of the students are failed to oft a valid problem on the given topic. Suppose, in Tess of D’Urbervilles, Tess was raped by Alec, and her rape resulted in seduction. Now, while finding the problem, I will interpret first the context, who was the person? What was the response of Tess, when she was raping? Because if she doesn’t show any resistance, then we cannot call it rape. What was the relation of Tess with Alec? When someone forces other for sex, we called it rape or simply unwanted sex is called rape. But when we interpret the context, Tess did not show any resistance. She was laying on the ground and sadly enjoying the pleasure of sex, but when Alec made his progress then she weeps the crocodile tear and blames her fate. So, the question or the problem arises here is: Tess seduction is not a rape or Tess: A Femme Fatale or a Flawed Woman. Now, I will collect the data, and then interpret the data, and write the conclusion in my last chapter of the research paper.
Now, let suppose, if I want to analyze the same novel from the rights of women. So, I’ll keep in mind that I will not select a topic which is already dealt by people. Suppose, the person worked on the fate of Tess and I want to analyze the data from another perspective, i.e. free will. Because the Tess miserable life was not fateful, she is responsible for her own subdued life (free will). Let us take the example of the classroom, in every class, the teacher predicts that this student will get the first position, this will second and this will fail. The teacher predicts that this student is very studious, s(he) always do the homework, this student goes for pictures, and following girls etc. so this will fail. Therefore, once the examination takes place this student will get fail. Now the question is; can the student will blame his teacher? The student will blame himself, because he is not able to pass, and he didn’t study and hence he deserves to fail. Similarly, God give the human free will, He told us, what is right and what is wrong, and the choice is ours. Being a critical reader, I find that Tess seduction, incidents and subdue life was not due to fate but free will, and she is responsible for it. From the very first day she knows the intention of Alec when he embraces and kiss her, but still, she was wondering with her resulted in her rape. So, I change the perspective and to another angle, i.e. from fate to free will, which is a valid and researchable problem for my research.
Now, I want to deal the
same novel with a various variable. At the beginning of the research, several
solutions come to my mind as a researcher. I adopt one which seems to be more appropriate and rejects or discards the
others. Later during the inquiry, I may find that the variable I selected is
not workable. In such a situation a variable which I was discarded at the
beginning of the study may be picked up afresh and introduced in the study.
Such a variable is called as ‘alternative variable’. Suppose, Tess miserable life is due to the
work. Why are
women working there? Why don’t males
work? The more variables I take the more elaborate will be my research i.e.
work, gender, domestic labor, violence, sexuality,
workplace, reproduction, setting etc. so these are called variables. Now when
you applying the gender variable, you have kept
this under consideration, what are the gender rules there? Gender is socially constructed. When we say man and
woman, these are called gender and they produce
gender differences. We are living in a society, where the male is more privilege. They have more chances
for work than females. Male get many wages then females. Suppose, A Thousand
Splendid Suns, written by Khalid Husseini. A Thousand Splendid Suns focuses on,
it's the nature of women. Laila and Mariam live through a rough period for
women's rights in Afghanistan. They're controlled by the government, treated as
property by their husbands, and forbidden from taking part in society. The
novel is referred to Rashid patriarchal power abuses against his wife. So, how Rashid abuses the gender power?